AIf there was a single, most important question everyone should ask themselves before starting to build a swimming pool it is “Am I ready to be a pool owner?” In case your initial answer to this question is “I don’t know. What will it require of me?” then let us help by breaking this responsibility down into five key questions that will help you consider some important things.

How will you prepare non-swimmers to swim safely?

Pool safety is our top priority, as we’re sure it is yours. If you have young swimmers, or even adults who are not strong swimmers, it’s important to think about what steps you will take to prepare everyone who will be around your pool frequently to swim independently and safely. You may wish to sign children up for professional swim lessons early. Additionally, you should invest in life vests and life saving devices to have near the pool. Finally you should consider the many ways you can incorporate safety features and alarms around your home and pool to make sure children only have access to the pool when supervised.

Who will be responsible for pool maintenance?

The next big question is who will be responsible for pool maintenance. This includes everything from skimming out debris from the pool, emptying filters, keeping the pool area free of dirt and grass, and watching for any signs of wear and tear that may need to be addressed. Consistent maintenance, especially from the beginning, is essential for keeping your pool running at its optimal performance. This is also a great way to assign out some of these chores to family members to get everyone involved and feeling responsible for the pool!

Will you be diligent about monitoring and testing the water? 

This question is an important one. Being diligent about monitoring and testing your pool water will prevent large problems from arising down the road. Not only will you enjoy clearer, better looking water when your water chemistry is correct, your pool’s finishes and filtration system will also last longer. It’s possible to do this on your own, with the right training from a professional pool company. Or you can hire a professional pool company to monitor, test and adjust your water chemistry for you for a reasonable monthly fee.

How will you establish “pool rules” for family and friends?

Next you should think through your family’s pool rules and how you will manage guests wanting to use your space. Rules are important, not only to maintain control over who visits and when, but also for ensuring safety. Will you allow guests to stop by and use the pool when you’re not home? What do they need to know about using your pool and pool equipment? Are neighborhood kids allowed to swim without a parent or guardian accompanying them? These may seem like minor details, but the earlier you can think through your pool policies, the better prepared you will be to handle these scenarios and help guests understand your preferences and expectations.

Who will close and open your pool each season?

A final and very important consideration is who will be responsible for closing and opening your pool each season. The reason it’s important to consider this is because it’s not typically an easy DIY project. In many cases, you are better off working with a professional pool company, like Blue Diamond Pool Service, who is experienced doing this and who can ensure it’s done properly each and every time. Additionally, depending upon the style and shape of your pool, a custom cover or closing/opening process may be needed. For these reasons, it’s important to get input from a professional pool company, and to also budget for whatever costs may be associated with opening and closing your pool each season.

Depending upon your answers to these questions, do you feel you’re ready to be a pool owner? Or do you have another question you’d like to ask a pool professional? Contact us today so we can begin to walk you through our process for building custom gunite swimming pools.